Religious Eduation classes are offered during the school year to any 1st-8th grade Catholic students who do not attend Catholic school.
Sunday Mornings between the 9A and 11A Masses
Please join us for Mass before or after your child attends RE!
$30 per student
Online payment is available below.
Cash or check is also accepted at the Parish Office.
If you need financial assistance, please contact the Parish Office and we are happy to discuss options with you! Please do not let the cost keep your family from participating.
Classes are held in the St. Joseph School building. Please access the cafeteria via the front door of the school or via the red door at the bottom of the exterior concrete steps from the small Church lot. Children must be walked-in and picked-up in person. Children will not be allowed to find their car in the parking lot.
Registration is open for the 2024-2025 school year.
Online Registration is available by following the link below.
Paper Registration Forms are available at the Parish Office.
Please return to Parish Office.
RE Classes allow the educators to provide your children with weekly religion lessons to formalize and expand on the religious education you have started at home. Our goal is to support you throughout your Family Faith Formation. We are blessed with the opportunity of helping you to deepen and strength your child's faith as they prepare to receive their Sacraments.
First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation Sacrament preparation is built in to the curriculum for the 2nd and 8th grade years.
We are always looking for volunteers to be Catechists and Catechist Assistants to lead RE classes. Training and support will be provided to you if you feel called to join this ministry.
Please listen to God's Call if He is asking you to
bring the children to Him!
Contact Lauren Nolan, Director of Formation
for questions or more information
[email protected]